Funeral Etiquette

Let us guide you through the ins and outs of your funeral experience.



  • Ensure the safety of children under your care.
  • Adhere to the cemetery's guidelines and rules.
  • Honor the designated visiting hours.
  • Follow the indicated pathways and roads.
  • Show consideration by maintaining a quiet atmosphere around visitors seeking contemplation.


  • Feel obligated to stay longer than you're comfortable with. Your personal comfort matters most; there's no need to linger if you've paid your respects in a way that feels right to you.
  • Hesitate to share joyful memories and stories, or to laugh. Positive reminiscing and laughter can serve as a healing balm.
  • Think you must look at the deceased. If this makes you uneasy, there's no obligation to do so. The service is about your comfort and expressing your feelings in the most meaningful way.
  • Allow your children to be excessively noisy and disturb others. Always be mindful of others and encourage awareness.
  • Forget to silence your cell phone ringer. Additional noise can disrupt the reflection process for others.
  • Fear making mistakes or doing something incorrectly. Your presence and care demonstrate your intention, and that's what truly matters.

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